Currently Available for Sale
Under this page you'll find information on available adults, both does and bucks, as well as any kids currently available.
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As you browse the adult listings please keep in mind thinning (aka: culling) the herd is a difficult task for us; however, it is something needing done to allow improvement within the breeding program - for one reason or another.
We ask that you take a moment and read the 'Understanding Culling' page to
not only get a sense of what the process is and the importance of it,
but to realize it's simply not 'throwing animals to the curb'......Thank You
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As you browse the adult listings please keep in mind thinning (aka: culling) the herd is a difficult task for us; however, it is something needing done to allow improvement within the breeding program - for one reason or another.
We ask that you take a moment and read the 'Understanding Culling' page to
not only get a sense of what the process is and the importance of it,
but to realize it's simply not 'throwing animals to the curb'......Thank You